What are Quarterly Progress Reports?
Quarterly progress reports are written progress reports on your project/program. Templates for these reports will be sent to you from the NTCA via Submittable. Quarterly reports typically include the following items:
- Executive summary: What do you want to tell the public about what you did or achieved during the quarter?
- Objectives, Tasks and Milestones accomplished during the quarter: You outlined objectives and tasks in your application that were captured in your contract. Refer to these objectives and tasks so the progress made during the quarter is clear.
- Funding request amount for the quarter: How much are you requesting for the next quarter from TBID or TOT funds?
- Budget vs Actual Form: This excel form should match what you have in your contract. Please indicate what you budgeted for this quarter and what you actually spent.
- Budget/Expenditure Narrative: Please detail your spending for the quarter. Why did you spend less or more as compared to your budget? Be clear in your explanation of any variance.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: Describe the key performance indicators and outcomes achieved during this quarter. Make sure to compare to the key performance indicators and outcomes included in your contract. Detail any communication or engagement you conducted with stakeholders or the community.
- Challenges and Mitigation: Outline any challenges encountered during the quarter and how they were handled.
- Next Quarter Plans: What are you planning to get done in the next quarter?
- Photos/Videos: Please upload high-resolution photos or videos from work accomplished during the quarter.
- Invoice Upload: Upload an invoice that includes supporting documents (receipts, invoices from contractors, etc.). A template is provided for use on the form, but if you have a different invoice template, feel free to use that. Please ensure there is a summary page that includes the total amount requested as the first document.