When are the start and end dates of each quarter?

The quarters follow NTCA’s fiscal year (July 1- June 30)

  • Quarter 1 (July 1- September 30) 
  • Quarter 2 (October 1- December 31)
  • Quarter 3 (January 1- March 31) 
  • Quarter 4 (April 1- June 30) 

A quarterly progress report form will be sent to you to complete at the end of each quarter. You will have a month to complete the report. For example, for Quarter 2, you will receive a quarterly progress report request through Submittable on December 31. The deadline for submission of the Quarter 2 progress report is January 31. 

The reporting deadlines for each quarter are: 

  • Quarter 1 Deadline: October 31st 
  • Quarter 2 Deadline: January 31st 
  • Quarter 3 Deadline: April 30th 
  • Quarter 4 Deadline: July 31st 

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The TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program is powered by the North Tahoe business community. Thank you to the business owners who created the Tourism Business Improvement District.