Board of Directors Fiscal Year 17-18
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Time: 8:30am
Location: Northstar Community Services District Office
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board Meeting 5.30.18 Preliminary Minutes.pdf
2. Board Meeting 4.23.18 Minutes.pdf
3. 5.30.18 Board Agenda.pdf
4. 5.30.18 June Board of Directors Meeting Packet.pdf
5. 2018-2019 Placer County Contract (Handout).pdf
6. 2018-2019 Scope of Work – ATTACHMENT A (Handout).pdf
7. 2018-2019 Draft ATTACHMENT A2_2018.05.29v2 (Handout).pdf
8. 2018-2019 Placer County ATTACHMENT C_Revised 2018.05.29 (Handout).pdf
9. 2018-2019 Budget conformed to Attachment C- Revised 2018.05.29 (Handout).pdf
10. 2018-2019 All Depts Summary_Revised 2018.05.29 (Handout).pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Time: 8:30am – 10:30 am
Location: TCPUD, 221 Fairway Drive, Tahoe City, CA
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 5.2.18 Packet.pdf
2. DRAFTTourismDevelopmentPlan_v6 4.27.18.pdf
3. Board of Directors Meeting 5.2.18 Z Preliminary Mintues.pdf
Special Board Meeting
Date: Monday, April 23, 2018
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Tahoe City Public Utility District, 221 Fairway Drive, Tahoe City
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 4.23.18 Packet.pdf
2. 4.23.18 Board Agenda.pdf
3. Board Meeting 4.23.18 Minutes.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Time: 8;30am
Location: North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 North Lake Blvd., Kings Beach
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 4.11.18 Packet.r.pdf
2. Board Meeting 4.11.18 Agenda.pdf
NLTRA Special Board Meeting
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Call in or NLTRA Boardroom, 100 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City
Call in 712-770-4070 775665#
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 3.14.18 Special Board Meeting packet.pdf
2. 3.14.18 Special Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Time: 8:30am
Location: Olympic Valley Public Service District, 205 Squaw Valley Rd., Olympic Valley
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 3.7.18 Packet.pdf
2. 3.7.18 Board Meeting PRELIMINARY Minutes.pdf
3. 3.7.18 Board Agenda.pdf
4. Board of Director’s Meeting 3.7.18 Handout RE Board Elections.pdf
5. Board of Directors Meeting 3.7.18 Handout RE Tourism Dev Task Force.pdf
Special Board Meeting Agenda 2.23.18
Date: Friday, February 23, 2018
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Conference Call 712-770-4010 775665#
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 2.23.18 Special Called Meeting.pdf
2. Special Board Meeting 2.23.18 Minutes.pdf
3. CAP committee recommendations.pdf
4. candidates.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Time: 8:30am
Location: Northstar Community Services District Board Room
900 Northstar Dr, Truckee
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 2.7.18 Board Agenda.pdf
2. Board of Directors Meeting 2.7.18 Packet.pdf
3. Tourism Development Workshop Overview January 2018.docx
4. Board of Directors Candidate overview.pdf
5. Board of Directors Meeting 2.7.18 Minutes.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Time: 8:30am
Location: Tahoe City Public Utility District Board Room
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 1.10.18 Revised Memo to Board Scope of Work with Placer County.pdf
2. Updated 1.10.18 Board Agenda.pdf
3. 1.10.18 Scope of Work with EC and CG final edits.pdf
4. 1.10.18 Contract documents minus Attachment B.pdf
5. 1.10.18 Board of Directors Meeting minutes.pdf
6. Final Board of Directors Packet 1.10.18.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Olympic Valley Public Service District Board Room, 305 Squaw Valley Rd, Olympic Valley
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 12-6-2017 Board Agenda.pdf
2. Board of Directors Meeting 12.6.17 Packet Part One.pdf
3. 12-6-2017 PRELIMINARY Board Minutes.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Tahoe City PUD Board Room
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 11-1-2017 Board Agenda.pdf
2. 11-1-2017 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
3. Board Meeting 11.1.17 Packet Part One.pdf
4. Board Meeting 11.1.17 Packet Part Two.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Monday, October 16, 2017
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Northstar Village Boardroom
Board Strategic Planning Session to follow from 12-4pm
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 10.16.17 Packet Part One .pdf
2. Board Meeting 10.16.17 Minutes.pdf
3. Board Retreat Notes.pptx
4. Board Meeting 10.16.17 Packet Part Two.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 N Lake Blvd, Kings Beach
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 9.6.17 Packet Part One.pdf
2. 9.6.17 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
3. Board of Directors Meeting 9.6.17 Packet Part Two.pdf
4. Recommendations from NLTRA Re-Organization Committees.pdf
5. Sponsorships FY 16.17 RA Coop Budget and Partnership Funding Statistics.pdf
6. Memorandum re Contract with Andy Chapman.pdf
7. Memorandum re October Strategic Planning Session.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Time: 8:30am
Location: TBA
Special Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Monday, July 17, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Tahoe City PUD Board Room
Associated Documents are listed below:
1. 7.17.17 Special Board Meeting Agenda.pdf
2. NLTRA Special Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.pdf
3. Board of Directors Special Meeting 7.14.17 Packet.pdf
4. Board Meeting 7.17.17 Addendum 1.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Associated meeting minutes are listed below:
1. Board of Directors Meeting 1.4.17 Minutes.pdf