Environmental Stewardship and Tourism Impact Mitigation

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Keeping Tahoe Blue: Blue Beach Pilot at Kings Beach

Partner Agency:

Amount Funded:


Funding Committee(s):

TBID Advisory

  • Program brings together beach managers, businesses, public agencies, and the community to address the impacts of recreation on Tahoe’s most-loved beaches. The program has delivered a 97% reduction in litter weight in South Lake Tahoe 2024 pilots.
  • Blue Beaches focus on three key elements: education, enforcement, and engineering. The League works to install infrastructure to manage waste and direct foot-traffic during high-use periods; with local businesses to provide reusable utensils; with beach managers to increase staffing and enforcement; and with Destination Stewardship campaigns to teach the Tahoe way and change user behaviors long-term. 
  • At the end of the summer season, learnings are packaged into an adaptive management plan for Kings Beach and California State Parks to use on an ongoing basis and ensure that  sustainability can improve year over year.

The TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program is powered by the North Tahoe business community. Thank you to the business owners who created the Tourism Business Improvement District.