Welcome to the TBID Advisory and Zone 1 Committees! We are excited that you are part of the committee and that you are dedicating your time to help build a sustainable North Lake Tahoe community.
After you’ve read through and bookmarked your committee webpage above, which is where you’ll find information on meetings and agendas each month, read on to learn more about the responsibilities of these committees.
What does NTCA's Organizational Plan & Organizational Chart look like?
The NTCA is comprised of full-time staff whose responsibilities include leading the organization’s destination stewardship and management efforts and advocating for solutions to regional challenges including the availability of workforce housing, expanded transportation options and tourism mitigation efforts.
What are the committee roles and responsibilities?
NTCA committees rely on effectively working together to set themselves up for success. These are the shared values among our committee members:
Commitment: You are committed to serving the best interests of the organization and the community the organization serves.
Teamwork: Work together as a team/committee to achieve results.
Advocacy: Be an advocate for NTCA and our projects and programs.
Engage, co-create, and solicit ideas from the community: We ask that you are fully engaged during our meeting times and are open and encourage co-creation. We also ask that you share our grant program and solicit ideas from the community.
As NTCA committee members, you are required to know and act accordingly with:
The Brown Act
The Brown Act is California State Law and requires government business to be conducted at open and public meetings, except in certain limited situations, and frames requirements for public meetings. Please watch one of these two videos to learn more about the Brown Act and how you must comply.
Please note that these are resources for you to learn more about the Brown Act and not branded specifically to North Lake Tahoe.
Conflict of Interest
As a committee member, you are required to disclose any conflict of interest. Please read through the conflict of interest document carefully and watch the video to learn more about conflict of interest.
Guiding Documents
Commmitte members should familiarize themselves with the guiding documents found here.
Please take responsibility for the energy you bring to the conversation by following these ground rules:
Respect Each Other
Listening is important
One person speaks at a time
No interrupting
Respect the Group
Every idea is worthy
Make your points succinctly
Everyone has an equal right to talk
It’s OK to Disagree – Agreeably
Challenge ideas, not people
No “zingers” or cheap shots
Disagreement is an opportunity to learn
Keep the Conversation Constructive
Explain your reasoning
Keep an open mind
Avoid passing judgment
What is the expected time commitment for this committee?
Monthly Time Commitment:
We recognize that your time is valuable, and we thank you in advance for your commitment. Typically, as a committee member, you are asked to attend one meeting on the third Tuesday of each month from 2-3:30 p.m. Please note that meeting times may change during the Annual Grant Cycle.
During the Annual Grant Cycle, we will ask for more time each month. Please review the timeline for the 2024-2025 Annual Grant Cycle to understand the committee’s involvement and note the additional time commitments below.
Additional Time Commitments During the Annual Grant Cycle:
Reviewing applications September 23-October 3 Once applications are submitted, you’ll have ten days to read through them and ask questions to applicants via Submittable. This will likely take you between 3-5 hours total.
Attending applicant presentations October 9 Depending on the number of applications, their eligibility and the application routing, this is typically a three-hour commitment during this day.
Scoring applications October 14-25 During this time, you’ll score applications. Depending on the number of applications, this will typically take between 4-6 hours.
What types of projects and programs does this committee fund?
As a committee member, you will be reviewing Annual Grant Cycle applications.
What type of projects will I be reviewing?
TBID Advisory and Zone 1 Committees can fund projects/programs that fall under the NLTTBID District Management Plan. These include:
Marketing, promotions and special events
Zone 1 specific services
Visitor services and visitor centers
Business support and advocacy
Economic development, transportation and other opportunities
Sustainability and mitigation of tourism impacts
In which jurisdiction do the projects/programs need to be located?
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The TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program is powered by the North Tahoe business community. Thank you to the business owners who created the Tourism Business Improvement District.