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TCPUD Multi-use Trails

Partner Agency:

Amount Funded:

$3,900,000 | 2024-2025 funding increase ($1,377,720)

Funding Committee(s):

CAP Committee

  • Replace aged and failing infrastructure in the existing Trail System
  • Actions taken:
    • TCPUD hired Lumos & Associates
    • Prepared a conditions assessment report for 17.2 miles of the trail
  • Identified twelve (12) sections across the Trail System in need of:
    1. Reconstruction and/or resurfacing
    2. Pavement cracking
    3. Root intrusion
    4. Visibility issues
    5. ADA compliance challenges
    6. Trail transitions
    7. Shoulder erosion
    8. Drainage problems


The TCPUD began reconstructing the North Shore Trail in June 2024, with construction mostly completed by the end of October. The project realigned a portion of the trail (2.2 miles between Tahoe City and Dollar Point) for safety, corrected pavement cracking and root intrusion, and improved visibility, ADA compliance, and trail transitions.

West Shore Reconstruction project (new for 24-25)

  • Reconstruct approximately 2.35 miles of the West Shore Trail between Sunnyside Resort and Idlewild Way to replace aged and failing infrastructure, improve mobility and safety, and enrich user experience. 
  • Reconstruction will address pavement failure, slope and alignment issues, visibility (both vehicular and pedestrian), safety and ADA code compliance, and drainage.
  • The Project will benefit multiple users year-round, including various age groups and ability levels, different modes of travel, and universal accessibility. 
  • The West Shore Trail offers an alternative means of transportation and serves as an outdoor recreational outlet where users can enjoy the natural beauty and environment of Lake Tahoe.

Previous Updates:

In June 2024, the TCPUD began reconstructing the North Shore Trail. This segment, originally constructed between 20-40 years ago, includes approximately 2.2 miles of trail from the eastern side of Tahoe City along State Route 28 to the Dollar Point community.

Planned improvements will realign a portion of the trail for safety, correct pavement cracking and root intrusion, and improve visibility, ADA compliance, and trail transitions. The reconstruction includes planned detours during construction, and the trail system has been signed alerting users to areas where detours occur.

Construction contract with West Coast Paving

The TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program is powered by the North Tahoe business community. Thank you to the business owners who created the Tourism Business Improvement District.